
Here you can watch a selected collection of presentations from the past Creative Technologies events.


7 May 2024 | Can computers create art?
Kyle McDonald (Media artist) | Tomi Slotte Dufva (Aalto University) | Hannu Toivonen (University of Helsinki)

3 April 2024 | AI generated it – who owns it?
Anette Alén (University of Helsinki) | Mirco Musolesi (University College London, and University of Bologna) | Natalia Särmäkari (Aalto University)

6 March 2024 | Miten tekoäly muuttaa työtä? – tapahtumatallenne & podcast
Mona Mannevuo (Helsingin yliopisto) | Sasu Tarkoma (Helsingin yliopisto) | Tero Ojanperä (Aalto-yliopisto)


7 December 2023 | AI for Music and Performance
Roberto Bresin (KTH) | Vesa Välimäki (Aalto University)

2 November 2023 | Beyond the Limits of Human Touch
Francis McGlone (University of Liverpool) | Yu Xiao (Aalto University)

5 October 2023 | AI for Games
Sebastian Deterding (Imperial College London) | Perttu Hämäläinen (Aalto University)

28 September 2023 | Visiting lecture by Professor John Gero: What happens in the minds of designers when they design

7 September 2023 | Rethinking reality – where is XR heading?
Dooley Murphy (Laerdal Medical & | Jussi Mäkinen (Varjo)

Dooley Murphy & Jussi Mäkinen

30 March 2023 | Knowledge, belief and otherness
Joshua Sofaer ( | Laura Beloff (Aalto University)

Joshua Sofaer & Laura Beloff

2 March 2023 | AI and creativity
Peter Dalsgaard (Aarhus University) | Otso Lähdeoja (University of the Arts Helsinki)

Peter Dalsgaard & Otso Lähdeoja

2 February 2023 | New forms of social interaction 
Giulio Jacucci (University of Helsinki) | Robin Welsch (Aalto University)

Giulio Jacucci & Robin Welsch


1 December 2022
Anna Kantosalo (University of Helsinki): Evaluating Co-creative Experiences
Geraint Wiggins (Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Queen Mary University of London): Creative Ideation, Abstraction and AI

Anna Kantosalo & Geraint Wiggins

3 November 2022 Jon McCormack (Monash University): The Fragile Present: Research at SensiLab | Christian Guckelsberger (Aalto University): Intrinsic Motivation for Computational Creativity

Jon McCormack
Christian Guckelsberger

1 November 2022 Computational design special seminar by William Bondin and Francois Mangion

William Bondin & Francois Mangion

10 October 2022 Visiting lecture by Daniel Berio: Procedural and computer aided design of graffiti art and calligraphy

Daniel Berio

6 October 2022 Mary Lou Maher (UNC Charlotte): Interacting with Creative Artificial Intelligence | Hironori Yoshida (Future University Hakodate): Non-standard materials

Mary Lou Maher
Hironori Yoshida

8 September 2022 Luba Elliott ( AI Art – Finding its Place between Technology, Contemporary Art and NFTs | Koray Tahiroğlu (Aalto University): Take an AI Model, Break it Down and Exploit it Creatively

Luba Elliott
Koray Tahiroğlu