About us

Creative technologies website title image

Creative Technologies research community explores the use of interactive computing to support human creativity.  

The purpose of the Creative Technologies research community is to raise the quality of research in the area of creative technology in Aalto University, and its network of researchers. On this website we promote the work of our community’s members, our seminars and other opportunities for networking.

We host regular events in the form of lectures, seminars and workshops. You can watch recordings of our past events here.

Our infrastructure comprises Aalto Studios, the future media center of Aalto University, located in the new Marsio building.

Building on the facilities of Aalto Studios and Aalto Behavioral Laboratory, MAGICS is a novel infrastructure for human in the digital world, in an Aalto-led consortium with Tampere University, the University of the Arts Helsinki, University of Lapland, Turku University of Applied Sciences, and University of Jyväskylä.

Furthermore, a full-scale FabLab in Otakaari 7 and 30 different workshops in the Väre building, in Otaniemi, enable experiments with various materials, methods and processes as part of learning, research and artistic activity, including textiles, wood, metal, glass, ceramics, biological art, mechatronics, photography and screening of films. Aalto Science IT provides a high-performance computational cluster for researchers.